5 Places to Find Where the Money is Going

I find it interesting to try to figure out where the money is flowing in Tech –  it gives an indication of what niche markets are finding good traction, highlights the general sentiment among those with the money towards certain flavors of business, and also, I’m just a nosy bastard.

Here are five good places to see what deals are going down and who’s writing the cheques:

Venture Beat

  • http://deals.venturebeat.com/ – Venturebeat’s deals section ‘dealbeat’ keeps a close eye on the latest funding deals in the tech industry. Great info on where money is being spent, but pretty crappy spam filtering on their story comments.

  • http://www.pehub.com – Private Equity Hub tends to cover a wider range of industry than just pure tech. They have interesting analysis on the companies covered and provide a broader range of planned events such as planned company IPOs, or stalled funding deals etc.

  • http://thisweekin.com/thisweekin-venture-capital – Jason Calacanis (@jason) and what is hopefully his permanent co-host Mark Suster (@msuster) cover recent industry deals. The real meat in this is the expert analysis from two entrepreneurial heavy-hitters. There are always great insights coming out of this one.

  • http://www.crunchbase.com/ – Crunchbase is more raw data than analysis, but is great for getting a timeline on how much a company has raised. Techcrunch offers all the gossip and analysis, crunchbase the info.

Anywhere I’m missing?  Where should a nosy bastard like myself be listening? Let me know in the comments.

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